Open-Access Book
Information—Consciousness—Reality: How a New Understanding of the World Can Help Answer Age-Old Questions of Existence
Springer, 2019
See more information here.
Information—Consciousness—Reality: How a New Understanding of the World Can Help Answer Age-Old Questions of Existence
Springer, 2019
See more information here.
The Bow-Tie Centrality: A Novel Measure for Directed and Weighted Networks With An Intrinsic Node Property
Advances in Complex Systems, 2020
Links: 1, 2, 3The Architecture of Power: Patterns of Disruption and Stability in the Global Ownership Network
SSRN, 2019
Link: 1
The Alpha Engine: Designing an Automated Trading Algorithm
Chapter contribution to "High Performance Computing in Finance"
Decoding Financial Networks: Hidden Dangers and Effective Policies
Chapter contribution to "To the Man with a Hammer - Augmenting the Policymaker's Toolbox for a Complex World"
Bertelsmann, 2016
Links: 1, 2, 3
What Is Reality?
Contribution to "George and the Blue Moon"
Lucy Hawking and Stephen Hawking, 2016
Link: 1
At the Dawn of Human Collective Intelligence
Contribution to “HOW TO SAVE HUMANITY — Essays and answers from the desks of futurists, economists, biologists, humanitarians, entrepreneurs, activists and other people who spend a lot of time caring about, improving, and supporting the future of humanity.”
This image from the study was used by a band as the cover art for their album.
Gestalten wir zusammen die Zukunft des Geldes
Fokus Finance, Tagesanzeiger, 2020
Es gibt aber einen Silberstreifen am Horizont. Wenn wir es schaffen, dem Bauplan der Natur zu folgen, dann können kollektiv intelligente Systeme entstehen, welche anpassungsfähig, robust und nachhaltig sind. Wir würden die selbstregulierenden Effekte einer wahren «unsichtbaren Hand» erfahren, die aus der kreativen Quelle des Universums schöpft.
Es liegt in unserer Hand, welchen Weg wir gehen wollen. Wir können weiterhin an zentralisierte Kontrolle glauben und unseren gewohnten Gang gehen. Oder wir wählen eine neue Art der Organisation, welche im Herzen digital und dezentral ist. So wie die Natur intelligente Systeme kreiert, haben wir die Möglichkeit unsere Welt neu zu gestalten. Dies ist der Samen, aus dem eine strahlende Zukunft keimen kann.
"Reality is so complex, we need to move away from dogma."
"Basically we don't know how these [financial] systems work."
"People don't say this very often, but basically we don't know how these systems work. We created them, but really they have a life of their own. I think that's something that should change in the philosophy of how we deal with these problems."